Manchmal, ganz manchmal findet man bei Soundcloud Mixe, bei denen einem wirklich jeder einzelne Song gefällt. Und dann gibt es noch so ein Manchmal, da kann man sich den Mix auch ca. 3500 Mal über Wochen anhören und man findet die Abfolge und Wahl der Songs immer noch nice.
So geschehen bei einem ziemlich funky, souligen Mix von Tall Black Guy, den ich vor geraumer Zeit entdeckt hatte.
Alors, ohne viele Worte zu verlieren, hier der Mix, der Grund weshalb ich seit Wochen durch die Gegend laufe und immer mal wieder ohne Zusammenhang "I just wanna hear you play my favourite song" schmetter...
Montag, 19. Januar 2015
Montag, 12. Januar 2015
MM: Lipgloss Ferrari-Rot, Tattoowiert, Cabrio, FFM Straßenstrich, meine Nutten makellos
Die oben stehende Line feiere ich seit dem aller ersten Moment als sie meine Ohren wahrgenommen haben. Und sie ist von niemand anderem als meiner Lieblings-Kurwa Schwesta Ewa.
Habe ich Schwesta Ewa anfangs aus reiner Belustigung gehört, so muss ich sagen, dass ich jetzt doch irgendwie so etwas wie ein Fan bin - und ich 60 Punchbars einfach mitrappen kann. Sie ist keine überragende Rapperin, sicher kein Vorbild, sprachlich nicht wirklich gewandt, aber irgendwas fasziniert einfach an ihr. Ist es die Härte mit der sie rappt? Die lustigen Begriffe benutzt? Oder ihre gnadenlose Ehrlichkeit? Egal, ich mag sie mittlerweile arg.
Deswegen hatte ich mich auch riesig auf ihr Debüt-Album Kurwa gefreut. Jetzt ist es da und ich muss sagen, ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Eigentlich muss ich sagen, dass sie mich wirklich eher noch überrascht hat.
Neben Battle-Rap-Klatschen wie Escortflow oder 24 Stunden, finden sich auch ein paar "Spaßtracks" wie Tunneln und so oder Kurwa - was ist das bitte schon für eine Hook? :D - aber auch ein paar wirklich richtig gute ernste Storytelling Tracks, wie Boomerang, Du Liebst mich nicht oder Für Elise. Besonders für Elise hat es mir natürlich angetan, da hier der One Love-Beat von Nas' Illmatic verwendet wurde (es gibt sicher ein paar Puristen, die sich daran stören, aber ich feiere es zu sehr).
Also gibt der guten Dame eine Chance, falls ihr es nicht schon getan habt und geht auf Spotify um euch das Album anzuhören.
Hier mal ein paar Videos zum Album :)
"Ich bin JetSet-Mehmet" :D
Habe ich Schwesta Ewa anfangs aus reiner Belustigung gehört, so muss ich sagen, dass ich jetzt doch irgendwie so etwas wie ein Fan bin - und ich 60 Punchbars einfach mitrappen kann. Sie ist keine überragende Rapperin, sicher kein Vorbild, sprachlich nicht wirklich gewandt, aber irgendwas fasziniert einfach an ihr. Ist es die Härte mit der sie rappt? Die lustigen Begriffe benutzt? Oder ihre gnadenlose Ehrlichkeit? Egal, ich mag sie mittlerweile arg.
Deswegen hatte ich mich auch riesig auf ihr Debüt-Album Kurwa gefreut. Jetzt ist es da und ich muss sagen, ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Eigentlich muss ich sagen, dass sie mich wirklich eher noch überrascht hat.
Neben Battle-Rap-Klatschen wie Escortflow oder 24 Stunden, finden sich auch ein paar "Spaßtracks" wie Tunneln und so oder Kurwa - was ist das bitte schon für eine Hook? :D - aber auch ein paar wirklich richtig gute ernste Storytelling Tracks, wie Boomerang, Du Liebst mich nicht oder Für Elise. Besonders für Elise hat es mir natürlich angetan, da hier der One Love-Beat von Nas' Illmatic verwendet wurde (es gibt sicher ein paar Puristen, die sich daran stören, aber ich feiere es zu sehr).
Also gibt der guten Dame eine Chance, falls ihr es nicht schon getan habt und geht auf Spotify um euch das Album anzuhören.
Hier mal ein paar Videos zum Album :)
"Ich bin JetSet-Mehmet" :D
Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015
We need more dialog...
I usually do not post here in English but right now I feel like that this is something that more people should understand than just my German friends.
The last days have been pretty shocking and confusing to all of us and it is pretty hard to understand. When the attacks happened I was in the French Alps, which was kind of far away from reality, and therefore it is even harder for me to get what happened.
All I know is that the latest developments scare me. On one hand, it clearly scares me that our belief system which entails the free right to speak and again the Jewish community were attacked. What happened there was wrong and horrible and fucked up in so many ways that they cannot be expressed. Violence should never be the answer for expressing hurt feelings. It is the most stupid and cruel way to react to situations.
On the other hand, I am scared of what that will do about the attitude about Islam. As a German person, I am faced with this problem more than ever in my life so far, because some idiots in Germany take the meaning of #firstworldproblems to a whole other level by thinking that defending Germany from the bad islamic and foreign influences is the solution to all their problems - like not having enough money to go to their next vacation on Mallorca or to drink more beer. What happened last week is yet again another argument of those people to say that the Islam is something that "we" should be scared of, that it is something bad.
In many ways, this second fear is even bigger than the first one. I moan the losses of those people who died for no reason and now are forever taken out of the lives of their loved ones. However, the feeling that "we" now react just as stupidly is very unresting. Things need to change, we need to learn to understand one another, to understand that something that one person finds funny, might hurt another person but also vice versa: that someone that might hurt you deep in your heart was not meaning to do so. "We" need to stop to believe solely what the media tells us but reinterpret what is happening in the middle east, why people might become this way. Looking behind the facades of all this, it becomes very obvious why people become that extreme that they think killing is the only way.
I can say that I have been truly blessed by these last few months in France with people from many different cultures. Things like what I have been able to experience so far need to happen more, because they prove to me that despite that you might not like a person, that you do not share the same beliefs, that you cannot laugh about the same things, we still all have that one thing in common despite being human: we pursue our happiness.
I found for myself that on this journey it is pretty helpful to find out about other people's reality. It has helped me to figure out some stuff, to readjust my thinking and spread more love.
What I am trying to say here is, that in these days, it becomes even more important to go up to each other with a smile and to ask about each other's reality, how the persons next to you perceives things, how they grew up. You do not have to like every person and you do not have to like their beliefs but you should try to talk to them and be open for discussion. A discussion might not lead to a solution in the first place but it is a way to reach a person and to make them think. To me, this is the only way to live with each other in a way that noone needs to be hurt and it is something we can all do despite of what our governments do (because in reality we do know that they are all fucking bullshitting us).
These things that I've wrote here are just me trying to understand this and to react to this feeling of not being able to do anything about it but I hope that they just might reach some people who do understand where I am coming from with this.
The last days have been pretty shocking and confusing to all of us and it is pretty hard to understand. When the attacks happened I was in the French Alps, which was kind of far away from reality, and therefore it is even harder for me to get what happened.
All I know is that the latest developments scare me. On one hand, it clearly scares me that our belief system which entails the free right to speak and again the Jewish community were attacked. What happened there was wrong and horrible and fucked up in so many ways that they cannot be expressed. Violence should never be the answer for expressing hurt feelings. It is the most stupid and cruel way to react to situations.
On the other hand, I am scared of what that will do about the attitude about Islam. As a German person, I am faced with this problem more than ever in my life so far, because some idiots in Germany take the meaning of #firstworldproblems to a whole other level by thinking that defending Germany from the bad islamic and foreign influences is the solution to all their problems - like not having enough money to go to their next vacation on Mallorca or to drink more beer. What happened last week is yet again another argument of those people to say that the Islam is something that "we" should be scared of, that it is something bad.
In many ways, this second fear is even bigger than the first one. I moan the losses of those people who died for no reason and now are forever taken out of the lives of their loved ones. However, the feeling that "we" now react just as stupidly is very unresting. Things need to change, we need to learn to understand one another, to understand that something that one person finds funny, might hurt another person but also vice versa: that someone that might hurt you deep in your heart was not meaning to do so. "We" need to stop to believe solely what the media tells us but reinterpret what is happening in the middle east, why people might become this way. Looking behind the facades of all this, it becomes very obvious why people become that extreme that they think killing is the only way.
I can say that I have been truly blessed by these last few months in France with people from many different cultures. Things like what I have been able to experience so far need to happen more, because they prove to me that despite that you might not like a person, that you do not share the same beliefs, that you cannot laugh about the same things, we still all have that one thing in common despite being human: we pursue our happiness.
I found for myself that on this journey it is pretty helpful to find out about other people's reality. It has helped me to figure out some stuff, to readjust my thinking and spread more love.
What I am trying to say here is, that in these days, it becomes even more important to go up to each other with a smile and to ask about each other's reality, how the persons next to you perceives things, how they grew up. You do not have to like every person and you do not have to like their beliefs but you should try to talk to them and be open for discussion. A discussion might not lead to a solution in the first place but it is a way to reach a person and to make them think. To me, this is the only way to live with each other in a way that noone needs to be hurt and it is something we can all do despite of what our governments do (because in reality we do know that they are all fucking bullshitting us).
These things that I've wrote here are just me trying to understand this and to react to this feeling of not being able to do anything about it but I hope that they just might reach some people who do understand where I am coming from with this.
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